
I am a DPhil (PhD) candidate in International Relations at Balliol College, University of Oxford. My dissertation explores the distinctive ways through which emerging technologies like AI affect public opinion and elite decision-making, using a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Empirically this research focuses on the relationship between technology and security in three key cases – Taiwan, Israel, and the UK. My research has been cited by UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee reports, and I have been published in outlets including Foreign Policy, The Diplomat, and US-China Perception Monitor. My doctoral research is generously funded by the Clarendon Scholarship and Balliol College Marvin Bower Scholarship.

In addition to my DPhil work, I am the co-founder and director of the Oxford China Policy Lab, an interdisciplinary hub of China-focused research based at the University of Oxford. My team and I produce policy-relevant research to mitigate long-term risks for third countries resulting from US-China great power competition. Our group's work is generously funded by the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute, Oxford Policy Engagement Network, and Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative.

I previously obtained a BA with Honours in Economics and Fundamentals: Issues and Texts from the University of Chicago and MPhil with Distinction from St Antony's College, Oxford. I previously interned at the US Department of State in Taipei, in the US Senate, and served as Team Leader for Secretary of State Antony Blinken for the University of Chicago Institute of Politics Fellows Program.